The Pyramid Puzzle
For ease of playing, the three dimensional pyramid is shown as a flattened out board with the four faces of the pyramid marked as Base (dark brown) and Face 1, 2 and 3 in lighter shades of brown (see below).
Drawing of complete 3D pyramid, partially unfolded and flattened out version.
Unique patterns on the side of the tiles and a sample tile:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A sample tile showing patterns 1, 9 and 3 on its three sides.
Following ICONS are available for use:
Rotate tile rotates the selected tile clockwise by 120 degrees
Take tile back removes the last placed tile from the board and can be repeated as many times as required
Check checks tiles placed on the board for a match and highlights unmatched pairs by flashing. Each click of check will highlight next unmatched pair till all tiles have been checked and ‘check complete’ is displayed.
If no mismatches are identified, a ‘Well Done!’ prompt will appear on the screen after completing Level 1 and ‘Congratulations’ at the end of Level 2.
Save saves the puzzle up to the current point and will resume at this point when puzzle is restarted
Upload uploads the saved version of the puzzle.
. For Level 2, Upload 1 has been reserved for the saved Level 1
Home takes you back to home page – offer to save solution first
Help identifies available matching tiles for a position on the board. You must deselect any selected tile on the board first, select a position on the board then select Help. This will identify all free tiles that would fit in that position on the board, correctly matching all touching tiles.