The Pyramid Puzzle
Level 1 board consists of just the Base and nine tiles number 1 to 9. For your convenience the first tile has already been placed on the board in its correct position and orientation. You have to place remaining eight tiles such that pattern on the edge of the tiles match its touching tiles. You click and select a tile from the tile bank on the right and place it by clicking and selecting a position on the board. If necessary, the tile may be rotated to fit into the position.
You use the ICONS to manage the play and save when required.
Clicking on the area outside the board will deselect a selected tile on the board.
Reminder:- successful completion of Level 1 (Base) forms part of correct final solution of The Pyramid.
Demo Level 1
Level 2 board is the flattened out pyramid with the Base and three Faces of the pyramid, as shown above. If you have already successfully completed the Level 1 when you download Level 2, you will be presented with the Level 2 board with the first nine tiles in their correct positions on the Base on the playing board. This solution will also be saved as Save 1 and be available to you as Upload 1.
In the iPhone version, you can expand or squeeze the board area to show the tiles and faces clearly and you can also move the board to focus on a particular face of the pyramid.
It should be noted that the pattern on the edge of any tile placed along the edge of Face 1 will need to match the pattern on the edge of corresponding tile on the edge of Face 3, shown by arrows in above (also see example in demo of Level 2), and so on for all three Faces 1, 2 and 3.